Thursday, 29 September 2011

Brussels- European capital of repetitive radio!

Come back Heart Essex, all is forgiven, I have found worse radio.  I listen to Radio Contact here in Belgium but seriously, I hear the same songs everyday. 3 or 4 times.  Add to this the fact that there is a hell of a lot of British 90s music (Fine at Sugar on a Friday but everyday?!) and Heart radio actually becomes quite appealing.  I stick to it for the French practise but if anyone can reccomend something better please do.  Having said this whilst writing I am being treated to a song I've never heard before!

This week there has been a real lack of anything interesting going on really as far as ISTI is concerned.  Getting into the swing of classes and even starting to get given work to do which for now is actually a bit of a novelty but no doubt it will wear off soon enough.  In the end I've taken 29 credits which is just 11 hours of classes and means that esentially I can afford to fail a few credits (namely the Law module and the English to French translation as they're the only non Erasmus modules I'm doing) because Lancaster just take our best 22.5 credits per semester.

It would be nice just to have a straight forward week or 2 without getting stressed about other things but the other day my mind turned to semester 2 and my plans to go to Granada, possibly the Uni in Spain with the most Erasmus students and the biggest "party" atmosphere.  Doesn't sound exactly perfect for me does it?  Why this has only just occured to me I'm unsure but I am now seriously considering starting a fan club for one of my Spanish tutors who even offered to Skype me to talk about it.  I'm hoping to switch to Girona where I think I'd be more comforatable, I know someone already there and someone who would be starting at the same time and I'd get to improve my Catalan at the same time, bonus.  (Another added bonus is that I would most likely be back in England in time to say good-bye to people at Grad Ball which would be quite nice but that really would just be an extra).  Nothing is at all confirmed about this at the moment but hopefully I'll hear back soon and know one way or the other.  I have nothing against Granada, it's a lovely place and I'm sure I'll have a great time if I do go there, I just think I would be more comfortable in Girona, despite meaning that I'll more than likely have to fly out straight from Brussels with my Mum bringing a case of "Spain clothes" to swap with me- not ideal!

I'll keep you updated with it all!

Got an exciting trip tomorrow down a mine and then around Liege, not got any exciting plans for the weekend other than discovering a shopping centre and town and hunting down a cheap but small case for my trip back to Lancaster.  Wish me luck and I'll blog again soon!

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