Wednesday, 21 September 2011


Don't get too excited, I've not discovered a cure for the common cold or anything, but I did go out for coffee (see, said it was integral to life here didn't I?) with some other Erasmus students, only one of whom was English, I'd say that counts as a success!  I'm not really sure how it happened if I'm honest, I just know one minute I was standing outside a classroom with Jenny and the next we were walking to a cafe with 2 girls from Slovenia and an Italian girl.  The even better part was that *Shock Horror* we spoke in...French.  This may seem quite normal considering where I am but you'd be wrong, it is actually very hard to break out sticking with people of your own nationality.  Everyone sort of drifts together and it can be hard to start up conversation with someone, that or they try and practise their English on you instead which of course is not helpful!  I'd say half way into the first real week of classes that is a good start, next stop- speaking to actual French/Belgian people, wish me luck!


  1. First step speak to your flat mate in her native tongue of french - best environment to practice in is a safe one with no one else around - perfect! x

  2. Been there done that actually! Just a couple of sentances just now but it's a start! X


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