The very first time we took a walk down to the beach we realised that we would have to find another route, it is impossible to walk down the main strip without getting stopped at least every 5 or 6 steps (and I'm not even exaggerating) by some promoter or other trying to get you to stop in their bar for a drink. It doesn't matter how clear you make it to some of them that you're not interested, they'll engage you in conversation, physically block the way, try and split up the group and even try pulling you in by your hair! It's a bit of a laugh but certainly gets tiresome after a while. We instead tended to go to places along the beach front or walk over to Palmanova where there are still plenty of lively bars but without the hassle. We did cave into them once or twice though, the first time was at 4 in the afternoon when we bought beer and sangria and got given free shots of Sambuca, only in Magaluf...

And on a sand related note, the girls buried me in the sand and sculpted me into a mermaid. I didn't get the best photo of that though!
In general we spent our week wandering, eating, drinking and laying in the sun, so I'm not going to give you a diary entry style blog of what we did for fear of boring you all so much that you never come back! However, we did go to Palma for the day which was nice, other than paying €4.50 for a Fanta! We had intended to see one of the Easter parades for Semana Santa but by the time we'd spent the day there we were getting tired and ready to leave so we didn't get to see it. I just see that as an excuse for me to get back out to Spain another Easter and see it all though!
We also did one of those holiday essentials and played mini golf which was a lot of fun. Especially with holes like this one where the water gets in the way some what:
I didn't do very well, lets just say that I lost by a long long way and leave it at that shall we? Whilst we were there Katy and I had our photo taken with a snake, it was pretty scary and we weren't really expecting it to happen, but we had to buy it just to prove we've done it! Apologies for the quality, it really needs to be scanned in at some point.
That is about it really! I came back this morning fairly early, I've unpacked, done 2 loads of washing, uploaded my photos, done my photo of the day project and now I've even written this! Will be an early night for me tonight though, and hoping for my first totally uninterrupted nights sleep in a week! Got a day tomorrow to catch up and maybe do some work before classes start again on Tuesday which feels really odd. I'm glad though, because I'd quite like the next few weeks to pass, it's been hard knowing so many Erasmus students that have been home and seen their families this week and I haven't. Oh well, one blank weekend, then Cordoba, then Seville and then my parents are here with my Nana for a whole week which even includes my 21st! Can't wait!
That's a great review.. Thanks