Monday, 27 February 2012

Vote Bex Nobes for LULANGS President

Firstly, sorry to anyone reading this blog that is not interested in this at all, it seemed the best platform for me to post this on.

(Apologies if the Italian/German words are wrong, at least I tried eh?!)

Hi to all you LULangS members reading this, firstly to the majority of you that don’t know me; I’m Bex, currently in my third year studying out in Granada for the second semester of my year abroad and I’m running to be the next President of the Languages society.  I’ve had the chance to watch the society as it goes through its first year whilst I’ve been abroad and I know it is something I’d love to get involved with and I think I really have something to bring to the exec.

So what are my ideas for the society?
·         Strengthening the links with other languages and culture societies with a view to forming more links with other groups.
·         Helping second years with their preparations for their year abroad by helping them make contact with third and final years that study their languages, for example we have a group of YA students this year writing blogs that students may find helpful when making their decisions.
·         Creating a link between the society and LUSU involve to help out with their current languages based activities and possibly help them to extend this further, to the benefit of the community, LUSU involve and importantly the LULangS members.
·         Continuing the success that the society has had this year and growing it into the next.

Why do I think you should vote for me?
·         As a third year I think I have got the experience and knowledge that is key to taking the society that next step further into its second year:
o   Secretary of Lancaster University Glee Club from the creation of the society and throughout the duration of its first year with successful performances and socials as well as charity fundraising.  This means I’ve got a good understanding of the way societies can work together with LUSU in order to get the most out of it for everyone.
o   LUSU Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Officer from January to June 2011, involving representing all the students of one of the largest faculties at the University.  Attending meetings with senior staff, and gaining a wide understanding not only of LUSU but of the University and the academic side of things.
·         I’ve been through my first few years at Lancaster, being part of DELC, part of LUSU, part of the wider university community and I think this puts me in a great position to understand the best way forward for the society.
·         I’ve worked in teams with a variety of people and am ready to listen to all members of the society and try my best to implement their ideas.  I would allow each member of the exec to carry out their job independently but with whatever support they may need.
·         Most importantly I’m ready for the challenge!

Any questions just ask me!

Addition as of 29/02/12

Hi All,

I was going to wait until the weekend to post this but seeing as YA students have already got the opportunity to vote I thought it better to post it now.

I have spent some time this week researching other societies, some at Lancaster and going as far as seeing what Languages societies at other universities get up to.  From this I have taken away three particular ideas as well as a better understanding of what is achievable.
-Lancaster Uni Maths society runs a MASS cafe each week in which the members can drop in and do their work together in Fylde common room.  This is a great chance for people to get together, do their work, help each other out and just chat in an informal setting.  This would also be a good way for first and second years to meet up and discuss the year abroad and share their experiences.  If this was something the members wanted I would look into when the best time for this would be and getting a suitable room booked.  It would probably be once a week, or every other, and the room would be available for a few hours for people to drop in and out as they please.
-The University of Sheffield ran an International Languages festival, although on a lot larger scale than we should be initially aiming for a think the aims of the event:
raise awareness about huge linguistic variety present at Sheffield University
stimulate interest in languages
promote understanding for different cultures and countries through language
make people aware that Sheffield is a culturally diverse city
celebrate the fact that Sheffield University is an international institution
are certainly something we could be basing our own event upon.  There are other societies here at Lancaster that we could be working with to achieve this as well as a whole wealth of international students.  Seeing as international student involvement is something LUSU is constantly trying to improve I am almost sure we could count on their support too.
-I would also suggest that one of the first things the new exec focuses on is a review of the society and its constitution.  Find out what works/what doesn’t and what you as the members are expecting of us in the coming year.  I feel that for a new society coming to the end of its first year this is important in order to change and improve.

Thanks again,

Bex :)

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