Monday, 14 November 2011

"Essex girls" "bimbos" and "cougars". Standard translation class really...

What began as a very normal English-->French translation class soon descended into something quite different.  We were looking at a text on Cornwall, all very thrilling, about the poor economy, it's rolling hills and ragged cliffs... when somewhat from nowhere the teacher starts explaining to the class about "Essex Girls" and my head drops onto the table in shame.  Especially as the train of thought that got us there was:

Bar work-->Young women-->Bimbos-->Blonde-->Essex Girls

(This later lead onto the teacher questioning the use of the word cougar in modern day English and also now French it seems)

I wasn't aware the Essex Girl stereotype had crossed the channel, well isn't that good news everyone?!  I hope all you The Only Way is Essex fans are pleased with yourselves!

In other news my year abroad tutor still has not emailed me back 3 weeks down the line, I am not impressed...

Tonight is all about procrastination.  I should be essay writing, or doing exercises on the subjunctive or... well anything but what I am doing.  Instead I am researching what on earth I should be studying after my degree to get me where I want and also trying to find myself somewhere to live in Granada.  Joyful times I assure you.


  1. Ooh, I'm looking for places in Granada - seems really cheap, thankfully! Someone else going in second semester said she saw a flat with pool for €320p/m D:

  2. Dunno if anyone has mentioned it already but try Its really useful, miles better than EasyPiso et al

  3. Cheers Ollie, hadn't tried that one yet :) Hope you're getting on ok in Barca.

  4. I've disassociated myself now, gave up playing the game :P however apart from towie ruining everything ever in the world, seems like your having a good time :P


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