Saturday, 22 October 2011

Attending the world premiere of the lastest Speilberg film

Until today this week has brought nothing noteworthy really, just been getting on with things now, which is nice in a way and some what boring in another.

Onto something interesting.  Today Jenny and I decided to go and see some of the celebrations for the Tintin world premiere.  First thing I noticed as the bus made its way into the centre were the police, I hardly ever see police here and normally they're just directing traffic but there were loads of them round here today.  First there was a display of cars all featured in Tintin through the city.  Afterwards we headed towards the cinema where the premiere was being held to see an acrobatics display, we didn't stay for the whole thing- we began to freeze, so went and got lunch.  Afterwards we found ourselves in what we thought was a great place to see what was going on, right opposite the end of the red carpet.  We stayed there for a while and thought something exciting was going to happen when a load of police on motorbikes appeared and a black car followed.  Out came the cameras and from the car appeared....some Belgian royalty.  This could've been vaguely interesting if I hadn't been expecting Steven Speilberg to emerge.  We heard a policeman tell someone that he was expected in an hour so quickly popped into a shop for some warmth and to kid ourselves that we will actually read these Belgian and Spanish/Italian newspapers we've bought.  When we were in there what did I hear but "Ladies and Gentlemen, Mr Steven Speilberg!!"  I still don't quite get what happened, I don't think he arrived in a car where we were so maybe we still wouldn't have seen it, but still annoying huh?  Bit of a fail really, and I sort of wish we made it to see the celebs on the red carpet beforehand as Jamie Bell (Billy Elliot) was there but we still got close to the red carpet, even if after the event:

So next weekend I'm heading off to Lancaster, I don't anticipate there being anything for me to need to share with you all before then.  I'm not sure when I'll be blogging next because after that my grandparents are visiting and once they've gone I'm off to Luxembourg for the weekend!  I hope I'll get back to you before then, I'm sure I will.

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